Deliverance & Healing Ministry
This is TLC's spiritual "Special Forces and Operations Unit". Under the coordination of Minister Senami Degbelo, it is uniquely charged with assisting Apostle Agoha to minister to those in need of healing and deliverance from evil spirits. To make an appointment please call and/or email us.

Administration & Finance Department
Under the leadership of Minister Sue Smith-Vaughan, this department oversees and coordinates TLC's finances, interdepartmental operations of the various departments and TLC's overall administrative needs.

Missions Department
Coordinated by the assistant Pastor Desmond Hickinson, and in association with Calvary Campaign Ministries, this department works with other church's in evangelistic and apostolic outreaches locally and globally. To work with us, please email us.

Evangelism Ministry
This team of "foot soldiers" of the Kingdom under the leadership of Minister Sharon Ryan is armed with the Good News of the Kingdom of God with which it regularly ministers salvation to folks on the streets of the Bronx.
Follow Up Ministry
This ministry under the leadership of Pastor Maureen Agoha, it TLC's team of insightful, hospitable and skilled workers that cater to the needs of the new converts, new members and first time visitors.

Discipleship Ministry
This ministry under the leadership of both Minister Ruth Hickinson and Pastor Ralph Onyekwere seeks to ensure the members are walking in line in scripture.

Women's Ministry
Under the able leadership of Minister Patience Omokha, the women's ministry has since TLC's inception organized and mobilized TLC's women to personal growth and maturity in Christian life for accomplishments in Christian service at home and in church. To connect with us, please email us.

Men's Ministry
Through the able leadership of Minister Gulliver Edobor, this ministry organizes and mobilizes the men of TLC to fulfill their God ordained spiritual leadership roles at home and in TLC for the up-building of God's kingdom. To connect with us, please email us.

Singles Ministry
Under the committed leadership of Minister Desreen Samuels, this is TLC's fellowship of young adult and adult singles set apart through devotion and training in preparation for the manifestation and experience of God's plan for their life and marital covenants.They meet the 1st Tuesday of the month. To book events, join their meetings or invite them to programs, please email us.

Teens and Youth Ministry
The fellowship of TLC's vibrant, innovative and God Fearing youths is under the leadership of Sister Christina Samuels. They meet the 3rd Saturday of the month. To book events, join their meetings or invite them to programs, please email us.

Children's Ministry
One of the foremost ministry of TLC, the children's ministry under the leadership of Minister Okwudili Nlemadim and assisted by Sister Nona Samuels, sees to the spiritual growth and development of TLC's children through the weekly Sunday children's services and the annual summer Vacation Bible School programs.
To book events, learn more about our programs, or invite them to programs, please email us.

Usher Board
TLC's ushers also under the leadership of Minister Sharon Ryan are a selection of polite and cheerful dedicated workers who receive visitors and members alike to God's House at TLC for worship services; during which they also attend and cater to their needs.

Welfare Ministry
Minister Rita Okpalanma oversees and coordinates the welfare ministry in assisting membership in identifying and applying with godly insight, the necessary resources in meeting certain personal challenges and needs. For more information, please email us.
Intercessory Ministry
The formidable and reliable outfit of praying believers under the leadership of Apostle Isidore Agoha, serves both as the watchmen/watchwomen on TLC's wall; and TLC's frontline "assault team" charged with spiritually aggressive offensives against satan and his kingdom. To send a prayer request, please email us.

Worship and Music Ministry
Under the leadership of First Lady and Pastor Maureen Agoha and assisted by sister Eby Agoha, this team of anointed worship leaders, soloists, choristers and instrumentalists has for years continued to treat God's people at TLC to multi-cultural triumphant tunes. To inquire for ministration and all other concerns, please email us.

Building Committee
This is the task force of anointed and committed christian professionals charged with raising and organizing monies for the building project . To make or fulfill a monetary pledge, please email us or make an online payment here specifying it as Building Fund.

Media Ministry
From its origin at TLC'S inception, the media department now under the leadership of Brother Marvin Walters, records, manages, preserves, distributes and broadcasts TLC's messages, publications and other communications. For questions on how to access our cds, dvds, podcasts etc. please email us.

Health and Hospitality Ministry
This ministry led by Minister Ngozi Welle, is meant to promote health and wellness within the church. We hold our annual Health Fair in June. To partner with us, please email us.